Call for Papers: Special Issue on Genocide, Communication, and Disability


The Journal of Critical Study of Communication & Disability (JCSCD) invites contributions for a special issue that critically explores the nexus of genocide, communication, and disability.

This open access interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal was founded with the commitment to publishing groundbreaking research that challenges positivist and colonial forms of knowledge, as well as traditional discourses and ideologies. We aim to provide a comprehensive platform for research, theory, practice, policy, curriculum, and community engagement related to people and groups who are marginalized and/or pathologized for their languaging and ways of communicating.

We welcome a wide array of submissions, encompassing original research, case studies, fieldwork analyses, critical reviews, book critiques, tutorials, and reflective essays.

By welcoming diverse methodologies and perspectives, this issue aspires to dismantle traditional narratives and contribute to a comprehensive understanding of how genocide intersects with communication practices and the lived experiences of disabled individuals. It promises to offer insightful analyses pertinent to scholars, practitioners, and activists alike, pushing the boundaries of current discourse and encouraging meaningful action in preventing future atrocities.

Submission Instructions:

  • Manuscripts will be accepted from May 15th, and we will be accepting manuscripts on a rolling basis.

  • Each submission will undergo a peer review process, allowing for rapid feedback and revision. Papers meeting our editorial standard will be published in our Autumn issue in December 2024.

  • This cohesive issue will delve into the multifaceted relationship between genocide, communication, and disability.

The special issue aims to challenge the perception of genocide as a peripheral concern for academics, practitioners, and community groups engaged in communication and disability studies and expand our knowledge and the discourse within and between genocide, communication and disability areas of studies.

With the adoption of the Genocide Convention in 1948 following the Holocaust, the international community pledged to prevent such horrors. Yet, the world has witnessed the failure to prevent genocides in Cambodia, Bosnia, Myanmar, Sudan, Rwanda, and currently in Gaza making this topic timely and urgent.

We invite you to be part of this important conversation by submitting your manuscripts that address these critical issues. Together, let us shed light on the overlooked aspects of genocide and its far-reaching effects on communication and disability.

For submission guidelines and more information, please visit the Submissions and Information for Authors sections of our website.